Juan P. Artero (jpartero@unav.es) is an Assistant Professor of Media Management and Structure of Media Industries at the School of Communication of University of Navarra. He holds a BA in Audiovisual Communication (University of Navarra, Pamplona, 2001), a MSc in Management at Cass Business School (City University, London, 2005) and a PhD in Public Communication (University of Navarra, Pamplona, 2006). He has been a visiting fellow at the Institute for Media and Entertainment (New York, 2004) and Fordham University (New York, 2007). He is currently in office as the research director for the International Center for Media Companies (CIEC, IESE Business School, Madrid) and as an executive board member of the European Media Management Education Association (EMMA).
He has written two books: Modelos estratégicos de Telecinco (1990-2005) (Fragua, Madrid, 2007) and El mercado de la televisión en España: oligopolio (Deusto, Barcelona, 2008). He acts as an editor of the annual report of the television industry association (UTECA) in Spain. In addition he has published several scientific papers in national ( i.e., Sphera Publica, Comunicación y Pluralismo, Comunicación y Sociedad and Telos) and international journals (i.e., Media XXI, Journal of Spanish Language Media, McGannon Working Paper Series, Observatorio and Palabra Clave) and book chapters both in Spanish and English.
His research interests are focused on strategic management and competition policy in media industries. From the consulting point of view, he is currently the director of Mediaccion, a medium-sized consulting firm focused exclusively in media, entertainment and marketing companies.
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