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Project Team
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Saved by Jabulani Nkuna
on April 12, 2010 at 5:36:10 am
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The International Media Concentration Project is made up a community of international scholars. We work collectively towards the same goal, but each researcher is individually responsible for their geographic region. The following people are currently associated with our research program.
Europe and Africa
Regional Project Leaders:
Patrick Badillo, University de la Mediterranee-Aix Marseille
Gulf, Italy, Maghreb, Poland, Russia
Dominique Bourgeois, University de la Mediterranee-Aix Marseille
Portugal, Spain, Switzerland
Jean-Baptiste Lesourd, University de la Mediterranee-Aix, Marseille
France, UK, Scandinavia, Sweden
Helmut Müller, Center for Digital Technology and Management, Munich
Belgium, Egypt, Germany, Israel, Netherlands, South Africa
Research Team:
- South Africa
George Angelopulo, University of South Africa
Akhona Zim, University of South Africa
Jabulani Nkuna , University of South Africa
Petrus H Potgieter, University of South Africa
Western Hemisphere
Regional Project Leaders:
Eli Noam, Columbia University. New York
Joost van Dreunen, Columbia University, New York
Helmut Müller, Center for Digital Technology and Management, Munich
Research Team:
- Mexico
Jose-Carlos Lozano, Director, Center for Communication and Information Research, Monterrey Technical University
Juan Enrique Huerta Wong, Center for Communication and Information Research, Monterrey Technical University
Asia and Pacific
Regional Project Leaders:
Koichiro Hayashi, Institute of Information Security, Tokyo.
Kiyoshi Nakamura, Waseda University.
Research Team:
- China
Min Hang,(Team Leader) Tsinghua University
Baoguo Cui , Tsinghua University
Xiaoqun Zhang , Tsinghua University
Anuradha Bhattacharjee, Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad
Tapasya Banerjee, Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad
- Japan
Koichiro Hayashi, President, Institute of Information Security, Yokohama
Kiyoshi Nakamura, Waseda University
Hajime Yamada, Toyo University
Teruaki Asari, Resercher, Media Development Research Institute, Inc.
Tatsuhito Shiina, Chief Researcher, Media Development Research Institute, Inc.
Motoko Yanagawa, Resercher, Media Development Research Institute, Inc.
Iwao Kidokoro, Professor, Seikei University.
Yoshiharu Ichikawa, Visiting Lecturer, Keio University (Japan Broadcasting Corporation).
Motonobu Toyoshima, Associate Professor, Keio University.
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Project Team
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