
Management Team

Page history last edited by Liwei Wang 13 years, 6 months ago

IMC Exec. Numbers.xls


Asia and Pacific


          Koichiro HayashiInstitute of Information Security, Tokyo

Kiyoshi Nakamura, Waseda University


Europe and Africa


          Patrick BadilloUniversity de la Mediterranee-Aix Marseille

          Gulf, Italy, Maghreb, Poland, Russia

          Dominique Bourgeois, University de la Mediterranee-Aix Marseille

          Portugal, Spain, Switzerland

          Jean-Baptiste Lesourd, University de la Mediterranee-Aix, Marseille

          France, UK, Scandinavia, Sweden

          Helmut Müller, Center for Digital Technology and Management, Munich

          Belgium, Egypt, Germany, Israel, Netherlands, South Africa


Western Hemisphere


          Eli Noam, Columbia University. New York

          Joost van Dreunen, Columbia University, New York

          Helmut Müller, Center for Digital Technology and Management, Munich


IMC Exec. Numbers.xls  


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