Claudia Lagos

Claudia Paola Lagos Lira (32 years old, one son) is a journalist who has been working on Freedom of expression and Access to Information issues for more than a decade. She has a Journalism Degree and a postgraduate diploma in Communication and Public Policy at Universidad de Chile; and for the end of this year she will have presented her Master in Gender Studies Thesis Dissertation. The Master Degree will be also at Universidad de Chile.


Claudia is a Professor at the Institute of Communication and Image (Instituto de la Comunicación e Imagen, ICEI), University of Chile, where she has been teaching since 2000. She has taught pre-grad courses on Investigative journalism, Freedom of Expression, and post-grad courses on gender an intercultural communication.


She participated in several workshops for journalists as professional trainings at International Center for Journalists (ICFJ); International Freedom Expresión (IFEX); Fundación para el Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano (FNPI); Comisión Andina de Juristas, Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS). She’s member of Lidera Program to women leaders, of FLACSO and  UNIFEM, and expert of Access to information and Freedom of expression for project “Active Democracy. Citizen network for governmental fulfillment of the Summits” (“Democracia activa. Red Ciudadana por el cumplimiento gubernamental de las Cumbres”, of Participa (Corporación Participa).


Claudia has been Correspondent of Press and Society Institute (Instituto Prensa y Sociedad, IPYS), a freedom of expression NGO, where she have been done reports and cases studies about freedom of expression in Chile. She worked for the Investigative reports database, an IPYS and UNESCO Project, and she has been researcher for several regional studies done by IPYS and Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS). She’s member of the training team in investigative journalism of IPYS (DF México, mayo 2005; Bogotá, august 2005; Santiago de Chile, july 2006).


She worked as journalist in the Newspaper La Época, TV Channel 2 (Canal 2) and Radio Tierra. She has collaborated with Surcos magazine and with and she’s stringer in Chile for the Los Angeles Times correspondent office for South Cone, with offices in Buenos Aires. She was Publisher of Rocinante magazine.


She has collaborated with Transparency Internacional on their “ToolKit” project (“Herramientas para el Control Ciudadano de la Corrupción”).